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Join Our Team of Volunteers

AZEFT relies on its incredible members to serve our Community. If you would like to volunteer as a Board member, a committee member, or an on-call volunteer for a one-time event, please complete the online application below. 

AZEFT is deeply committed to diversifying our Board and our Community. As such, members who identify as traditionally underrepresented or from marginalized populations are strongly encouraged to apply.


Currently, AZEFT is seeking to fill Board Member positions


Student Member

The AzEFT Student Board Position is for a current student in a graduate-level clinical counseling or closely related training program. The main focus of this role is to support and engage students within the Arizona EFT Community through various strategies.


    • Attend monthly AzEFT Board meetings on Zoom (3rd Monday, 9-10:00 a.m).  Review and decide on AzEFT Student Scholarship applications, actively engaging with scholarship recipients in the AzEFT Community.

    • Co-facilitate an annual AzEFT Intro to EFT training for students alongside another AzEFT board member.

    • Connect new students to AzEFT events through training programs and faculty in Arizona.

    • Promote diversity, equity, and inclusion within the AzEFT Board, community, and student body. Identify and propose ideas to involve students in the AzEFT Board and community.

    • Provide support and training to students and the AzEFT Board as needed. Hold quarterly meetings with the current AzEFT Chair and communicate feedback and concerns to the AzEFT Chair promptly.

    • Participate in the interviewing and mentoring of the next student board member to facilitate a smooth transition as the term ends.

Term Length: 1 year (February 2024 – February 2025)

Director of Community Workshops

All AZEFT Board Member applicants interested in the Director of Community Workshops position shall meet the following position-specific qualifications:

    • Plan, schedule and organize quarterly EFT community workshops.

    • Identify four dates annually for workshops, with approval from the board.

    • Make arrangements and reserve a venue for workshops, consulting with approval from the board.

    • Identify topics of interest to the community based on conversations with key community members, findings in the annual survey, and areas of expertise of potential presenters

    • Coordinate presenters for each workshop, with the approval of the Board.

    • Coordinate with Marketing Chair for posters, community advertising, certificates, and other printed needs

    • Coordinate with Marketing Chair to ensure events are listed, registration is open, and that a list of registrants is sent prior to the event

    • Coordinate with the President to get a card signed for the presenter

    • Attend the workshops, wherever possible, and foster community engagement with attendees

    • Arrange for light snacks and refreshments to be served at the workshop

    • Submit receipts to the Chair of Finance

    • Collect attendees’ feedback from each workshop and summarize feedback to the board

    • Attend monthly Board meetings

Term: 2 years

Community Outreach and Education Liaison

Information is forthcoming.

General Qualifications for All Board Member Applicants

    • Arizona EFT Therapist and active member of AZEFT

    • Able to consistently attend virtual monthly Board meetings, one Monday per month from 9:00-10:00am

    • Able to attend one all-day Annual Strategic Planning Meeting each year, usually in January/February on a Saturday

    • Able to fill this role for the entire 2-year term, plus additional time for training prior to term commencing (option to renew for a second 2-year term if desired)

    • Collaborative with a passion for helping to build and strengthen AZEFT and our local EFT community

All applications will be reviewed by the AZEFT Board and you will be contacted if an opportunity arises that fits within your requested areas of interest and skill sets. 

We look forward to empowering you!